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About Us

"The New Neighbours" is an EDEX initiative. EDEX is a private non-for-profits, independent and professional organization with 40 years of experience within this sector. Its mission is to promote positive development of children and adolescents in Spain and in Latin-America.

Among our identity marks it is noteworthy to mention:

  • Our mission: constant search for educational responses to social problems.
  • Our approach: Life skill training.
  • Our strengths: programmes design, development and application mainly focused on drug prevention and citizenship education.

Some of our initiatives in these fields:

Tales to talk about: didactic proposal to promote healthy lifestyles and life skills among 6-7 years old children.


Adventure of life: educational initiative to promote healthy lifestyles among 8-11 years old children.

Learning to life together: strategy for intercultural education of 8-11 years old children.

Friendly screens: initiative to promote a safe and healthy use of new technologies, and foster being a responsible digital citizen in children and teenagers.

Ordago! Face drugs challenger: drug prevention programme among 12-16 years old adolescents.

Discover: comprehensive educational proposal base on human qualities promotion, self steem development and life skills, addressed to 5 – 16 years old scholars.

Retomemos [Let's start over]... A multiversal proposal: An educational tool for talking with adolescents aged 14 to 15 years on the rights of all individuals to be different, thus helping to reduce violence in everyday life (homophobia, xenophobia, violence in sport, bullying, violence against women, etc.), the reasons for migration and the social and emotional involvement of migrants.




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